Congratulations to the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Committee on their Student Homeownership Seminar.
About the Event
The event took place at the Veteran’s Memorial Civic & Convention Center in Lima which was donated by Mayor Sharetta Smith. WCAR was awarded a $7500 grant from the National Association of Realtors for the event, the first time in Lima history such an event has taken place.
The 2023 DEI committee began planning the event in January, inviting 25 area schools to attend. 232 Students were in attendance from: Lima Senior, Bluffton, Ft Jennings, Lincolnview, Bath, Ada, Allen East, Perry, and St Mary’s.
Seminar topics included understanding your credit score, building a banking relationship, and defining the various roles that play a part in the homeownership process.
All in attendance were invited to write an essay on what they learned and winners will be chosen for (2) $1000 and (4) $500 grants to be presented at their schools.
A Team Effort
A big thank you to the following WCAR Affiliates who volunteered to interact with the students whether on stage with a speaking part or in small groups to discuss finance topics:
- Elijah Zamudio, American Legacy Title
- Scott Basinger, Blackhoof Title
- Mary Ann George, Citizens National Bank
- Mike Feister, Feister Inspections
- Lisa Harding, Fifth Third Bank
- Staci Freeman, First Lima Title
- Michelle Snyder, HomeTown Lenders
- Leah Dumas, KTL Performance Mortgage
- Megan Stumbaugh, loanDepot
- Greg Roebuck, Premier Bank
- Tami Trenkamp, State Bank
- Jason Stolly, Stolly Insurance
- Katie Burgbacher, Superior Credit Union
- Michelle Boughan, Superior Financial
- Anita Lindeman, Superior Title
- Amy Frilling, U.S. Bank
- Rex Grasz, Union Home Mortgage
- Tim Sprague, Union Home Mortgage
Each Affiliate also provided a $25 door prize to be awarded at the end of the event.
The committee plans to make this Student Homeownership Seminar an annual event and will reach out to schools in the fall to invite the incoming Seniors to the Spring 2024 seminar.
Press: Lima News, Hometown Stations
2023 DEI Committee:
- Jodi Cartagena, Chairperson
- Stacia Allen
- Dawn Arheit
- DJ Chilcoat
- Amy Frilling
- Lisa Wenger
- Elaine Wehri, BOD Liaison
- Cara Budde, Staff Liaison